Submission Guidelines

CWG is always accepting new art, poetry, short stories, fiction, non fiction, music and sound pieces,  improvisations, noises, performances, radio plays, and performed scores for our publication and radio show. I am also collecting recorded submissions for a cd compilation.

This is an opportunity to have your work published, to broadcast, a line for your CV, and to contribute valued work to a community of artists and writers. CWG is liable to print anything, so please only send us what you won't regret having published in three years!

Contributions are unpaid and only accepted from  currently enrolled SAIC students. All funding is provided by SAIC.

Deadlines for each issue are posted on the Home Page, though our inbox is always accepting new work.

Submissions should be sent to Cait Stephens, at

Please include your full name, title of the peice, contact info (if you want it listed) and any additional info about the work that might help readers to understand it.